The figure head for their community


Ashley Perry

Reliable | Friendly | Optimistic

  • I was the Union Chair this year, and loved the role; from drafting agendas to chairing councils and ensuring that the student leaders commit to their roles. When I nominated myself last year, I was told that 'the role of Union Chair is what you make of it' and honestly I didn't fully understand it back then. Now, I look back, and with everything that I learned this year through ups and downs, I understand the role of Union Chair better than ever before. For example, I didn't realise the importance of collaborating with co-council members, or simply knowing more about the SU's structure. However, I am more than ready to take on new challenges with the skills I learned, to continue representing you!

  • Shedding light on council is my priority, by engaging more with students during the university's open days and fairs. Council only has a stall during Freshers Fair, yet there are multiple other fairs and open days where the council should have a stall to engage more with students; which I would be more than happy to organise. This includes explaining how council works, what policies are currently in place, and listening to your ideas of course!

    Additionally, this year, I had regular meetings with the SU President to check up on the Big Plan progress as well as any updates from the student leaders; which I intend to do again next year. I also hope to work more closely with the campus Chairs and the SCOs, to help each other represent students better and provide engaging events. I want to empathise this particularly for next year to ensure a smooth introduction to the new International SCO on Colchester Campus and the new SCOs on Southend Campus.

Luca Gugolz

Engagement | Community | Innovation

  • I want to represent our community because I believe in the strength that diversity brings to our collective experience. Our university is a vibrant tapestry of cultures, perspectives, and identities, and it's essential that our leadership reflects and celebrates this diversity. As a union chair, I am committed to ensuring that every student, regardless of their background, feels valued and included. I recognise the unique challenges that different groups may face and aim to be a fierce advocate for equity and justice. By actively promoting diversity and inclusion initiatives, I hope to create an environment where every voice is heard, respected, and empowered. Together, we can build a stronger, more vibrant university community.

  • I aspire to represent my community because I am deeply committed to promoting unity, inclusion, and diversity. I believe every voice holds significance, and I am dedicated to ensuring all perspectives are not only heard but also valued. Through conducting surveys, collaborating with societies, and prioritising accessibility and representation, I intend to amplify diverse voices and address pressing concerns. Engaging with the community is paramount. I will maintain active communication channels such as social media platforms and newsletters to ensure everyone remains informed and involved. I highly value feedback mechanisms to continually enhance my advocacy efforts. Together, let's forge a university environment where every student feels heard, valued, and empowered to shape our collective future.


Syed Mohammed Kamran Abbas

Open-minded | Humorous | Aspiring

  • Representing my community as the Colchester Chair at the University of Essex is deeply personal to me. As an Indian student, I've navigated the challenges of adapting to a new culture while cherishing my own. I vividly recall the warmth of my first Diwali celebration on campus, where students from various backgrounds came together to share in the joy of the festival of lights. It was a moment of genuine connection, where cultural differences dissolved, and friendships blossomed.These experiences have shaped my commitment to inclusivity. I've seen firsthand the power of embracing diversity and creating spaces where every voice is valued. Whether through organizing cultural events or facilitating open discussions, I'm dedicated to fostering an environment where every student feels a sense of belonging. As the Colchester Chair, I aim to build upon these experiences to create meaningful opportunities for engagement and dialogue. Together, let's celebrate our differences, share our stories, and paint Colchester with the vibrant colors of our diverse community. I want to create a home for students away from home, where every individual feels embraced, supported, and valued.

  • Engaging with our community is the heartbeat of our university experience. It's about more than just events, it's about creating a sense of unity and belonging that transcends our individual backgrounds. As the Colchester Chair, I'll strive to foster connections that enrich our campus life.I envision a calendar packed with diverse activities, from cultural festivals that showcase our global tapestry to relaxed coffee meet ups where students can unwind and connect. Through these events, I aim to break down barriers and create spaces where every voice is not only heard but celebrated.But engagement isn't just about what happens on campus, it's also about staying connected in the digital age. I'll leverage social media platforms to keep the conversation going, soliciting feedback and ideas from students to ensure that our initiatives resonate with the community. As an Indian student, I bring a unique perspective to the table, one that values inclusivity and embraces the richness of diversity. My own experiences, such as organizing a charity food fair, have taught me the power of community engagement in fostering a sense of belonging. Together, let's build a vibrant community where every student feels seen, heard, and valued where friendships flourish and memories are made.

asian sco

Rishi Kora

Collaborative | Dedicated | Innovative

  • I want to represent my Asian community because I believe in the power of diversity and inclusion. By being a visible and active member of my community, I can contribute to breaking stereotypes, fostering understanding, and promoting unity among different cultures. I also want to be a positive role model for future generations, showing them that they can embrace their heritage while pursuing their passions and making meaningful contributions to society. Through representation, we can celebrate our unique identities while building bridges of empathy and cooperation with people from all backgrounds.

  • Engaging with the Asian community can be approached in various ways depending on your goals and interests. Here are some strategies:

    Participate in Community Events: Attend cultural festivals, workshops, and community gatherings to connect with fellow members, learn about traditions, and show support for community initiatives.

    Join Community Organizations: Become a member of local or national Asian-focused organizations related to your interests, such as professional associations, cultural clubs, or advocacy groups.

    Volunteer and Contribute: Offer your time and skills to support community projects, charitable activities, or mentorship programs within the Asian community.

    Network and Collaborate: Build relationships with community leaders, professionals, and influencers through networking events, social media platforms, and collaborative projects that promote community growth and empowerment.

    Share Knowledge and Resources: Offer workshops, webinars, or seminars on topics of interest or expertise within the Asian community, fostering learning and skill development among members.

    Celebrate Diversity: Embrace and promote diversity within the Asian community by highlighting different cultures, languages, and experiences, fostering inclusivity and mutual respect.

    Listen and Learn: Actively listen to the needs, concerns, and aspirations of community members, and work towards addressing common challenges and creating opportunities for growth and advancement.

    By engaging with the Asian community through these avenues, you can contribute positively, build meaningful connections, and work towards common goals that benefit the community as a whole.

students with disabilities sco

Orion Rora

Inclusivity | Accessibility | Equity

  • I want to represent my community because i loved representing it last year and I want to continue working towards making our campus more accessible and better adapted to disabled students. Our issues often aren't heard or listened to and I want to make sure that our voices don't go unnoticed. We can make this campus more accessible, we can make it better suited, and we can make our lives easier. By being the Student Community Officer, I want to better our situation at uni, and I believe that it's possible, and all I ask is that my community believes it too.

  • Historically, our community hasn't had many events. I hope to organise more events to bring our community on campus closer together and provide a safe space for students to talk about disability. I also want to put in place multiple channels through which students can give feedback more easily so that people's studies and student life are better suited for them.

LGBTQ+ sco

Noah Pantano

Bold | Creative | Queer

  • Over my time at the University of Essex, I have met countless bold, brave, and incredibly talented LGBTQ+ individuals. We're a strong force on campus that takes no compromises when it comes to demanding equality. I am proud of our community.

    That said, over the past few months, it has become apparent to me the challenges my community is facing. So often, it is easy to forget within our shared community that homophobia still exists on our campus. During my LGBTQ+ History Month curation at the Lakeside Theatre, my shows received offensive comments and vandalization of their respective posters. After my colleague and I both put out statements on the events, we were shocked at the number of community members who came forward and told us both of their own experiences of homophobia on campus. From that point, we've been actively working with the administration and student conduct to demand change. While the meetings have been productive, it is still not enough.

    I want to represent my community because nobody should go through this alone. We need an LGBTQ+ officer who is active, loud, and demanding for the University and students to do more in supporting our community. We need a leader to make us present, not just during Pride months, but year-round. I want to represent my community to continue the work that I am already doing to strengthen our voice on campus and make this University into the institution I know it can be.

  • To engage my community, I want to create more continuous events throughout the year. Through student protest, activism, and community events, I want to further strengthen the connections our community has to one another. I hope to find more ways to create community hubs and safe spaces on campus. Some of these ideas would include LGBTQ+ banners allied Professors and staff could place on their doors or throughout campus as a reminder of the University's commitment to LGBTQ+ rights. The University already has a zero-tolerance policy, but that policy must be more apparent and visible in all University communication. I'd like to further work with student conduct and the diversity team to create campus-wide initiatives to establish better education on LGBTQ+ people as well as promote clear guidance on what students need to do when facing homophobia. I want to establish an anonymous reporting and publishing of how many homophobia cases the University has to reinforce solidarity amongst LGBTQ+ students and keep us informed on campus progress.

    On the more fun side, I want to continue the LGBTQ+ socials and events that have run in the past. I want to make sure my community has input on these events and a clearer way to give feedback. I'd like to see the return of the gay club nights with student input and collaboration. Further, I'd like to build on LGBTQ+ History and Pride Month to make them larger scale than before. I especially want an LGBTQ-Led Rocky Horror Picture Show screening.

women’s sco

Holly Rayner

Friendly | Passionate | Dependable

  • As a current SCO, I love my role, and I would love to continue working with the SU to make sure everyone’s voice is heard! Everyone deserves to be safe at university, and they also deserve to have the best time they can, and this is why I want to represent you to help you get the most out of your time here! I already have so much experience within this role and I have great ideas of how to do more!

  • I want to make sure I’m representing the best interests of my community! Talking with people - whether that be face to face or through Instagram and groupchats- is the best way for me to do this! I want to hold new and exciting events that give people the opportunity to meet me and others, and also to utilise social media to allow everyone the opportunity to speak up so that I can elevate their voices!


Every position within the election also has a candidate listed as re-open nominations, or R.O.N. for short.

This role is a way for you to declare that you don't feel any of the candidates would be fit for the role and you instead feel applications should be re-opened at a later date to allow new candidates to come forward.